Best Quiet Flush Toilets

We’ve all woken up in the dead of night for that unexpected bathroom break.

Padding through the hallway in just our socks, tiptoeing so we don’t wake anybody up, opening the door as quiet as a mouse. But no matter how stealthy you are, there’s always the issue of the toilet flush.

Once you press the lever, you might as well have sounded an alarm to wake up everybody else in the immediate vicinity.

A noisy toilet flush can cause you to spend another hour putting your children and pets back to sleep.

So what could be the solution?

Leaving your mess in the toilet overnight seems hardly the most hygienic option, and doing it out the window might cause a stir with any neighbors that might still be awake. Also, you’re not a dog.

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Toilet flushing may be a remarkable innovation, but it is still imperfect. Not only is it loud, but it can be seen as a waste of water if done enough times throughout the day.

Luckily, there have been some amazing breakthroughs in the world of toilet flush technology.

Some toilet manufacturers have taken it upon themselves to come up with clever and environmentally-friendly solutions to the problems of noise pollution and water waste.

With a modern toilet flush, you can save a decent amount of money on your water bill at the end of the month.

But, where can you find these modern toilet flushes? What additional design features and functions can you find on a stealthy toilet? How much can a quiet flush set you back in terms of price?

Well, we don’t expect you to hold it in until the daylight hours. You can start enjoying a quiet midnight bathroom break as soon as possible.

We have compiled a list of some of the best quiet flush toilets on the market, along with a buyer’s guide to help you make your toilet as silent as possible.

Our Top 5 Best Quiet Flush Toilets Reviews

1. Toto Eco Drake Toilet

TOTO CST744EG#01 Eco Drake...

Our first quiet flush toilet is by Toto, a manufacturer that will show up a few times on this list — and for good reason.

This is an eco-version of the previous Drake model, so that means you’ll save a lot more money on your water bills at the end of the month.

This toilet unit comes in many different colors, which you can tailor to match the decor of your bathroom.

This is a two-piece toilet that is easy to install, with an elongated basin that will raise you higher and more comfortably off the ground.

It has a fast-flush feature, meaning you won’t be listening to the cistern noisily refilling itself over minutes, which will certainly wake up the other members of your family.

This is the perfect toilet for an environmentally conscious family who wants to save on their water bills.

You can also make the sound of the toilet seat even quieter by purchasing the Toto SoftClose toilet seat separately.

  • The seat of this toilet is very comfortable, and the height of the bowl is tailored for adults and is ergonomically-designed to make your bathroom break that extra bit comfier.
  • The quick flushing mechanism means that cistern filling and flushing won't last forever. You can be sure that your midnight toilet time won’t alert any other members of your family.
  • The fast-flush facility also means that you’ll be wasting a lot less water. The people at Toto have calculated exactly how much water you need per use and have tried not to exceed that down to the last drop.
  • You can also invest in the soft close toilet seat for the practically silent toilet experience.
    • The fact that you have to purchase your seat separately might irk some users who want to purchase a quiet toilet outright.
  • 2. American Standard Dual Flush Toilet

    American Standard 2889218.020...

    If you want simplicity that doesn't sacrifice quality, you can’t go wrong with a company that uses the term 'American Standard' on its products.

    This is a classic two-piece style of toilet that can be easily installed and utilizes a sophisticated dual flush system that can adapt to both your number 1s and number 2s.

    This toilet features a 12-inch rough-in, which might not be ideal for someone with a smaller bathroom, but it will certainly be suitable for those who have a larger family-sized bathroom.

    It also has an EverClean surface that will protect you and your family from unhygienic mold, mildew, algae, or any other grotty green stuff that can corrode and even damage your toilet.

    This toilet has two flush mechanisms, one for urine and one for feces, so it doesn’t matter what you’ll need to use your toilet for during the night.

    • This toilet is perfect for family use - the bigger size and larger rim will be able to handle the body shape and weight of the smallest teenager to the largest adult.
    • The dual-flushing system makes this a very flexible toilet that can handle all manner of waste matter. This will also be very handy for families who want to save themselves a few dollars on their water bill every month.
    • The simplicity of this toilet design is ideal for the no-frills approach, with an EverClean surface that will protect it against the numerous environmental hazards of a bathroom that can easily corrode a toilet.
    • The mirror-like exterior of this toilet will mean that your bathroom will look much cleaner - which is important if you’re thinking of inviting people over!
    • Unfortunately, this toilet does not include a seat, which will frustrate people who want to buy an all-in-one model.
  • 3. Kohler Two-Piece Dual Flush Toilet

    KOHLER K-3987-0 Wellworth...

    Our next toilet is perfect for those single folks or students who might have a smaller bathroom but still want the option of using it undetected and also save those precious cents on water.

    You can alter the settings on your flush to accommodate different uses, which will also allow you to save on water.

    If water waste and noise are at the top of your priority list for a toilet, then you should definitely think about investing in the Kohler.

    You can set it to 1.1 GPF for urine or 1.6 GPF for feces. This gives you added control over how loud the flush is as well as how much energy you’re consuming.

    With a DryLock fast installation, you can have your toilet set up and working in no time at all.

    You just need to get a socket wrench and secure the seat to your water tank and cistern. There won't be a need for additional bolts or making extra holes in the wall.

    4. Toto Promenade II Two-Piece Toilet

    TOTO CST404CEFG#01 Promenade...

    Now, for our next brand of toilet, we’re going back to the tried and tested Toto brand with an updated model of one of their older versions.

    This is a two-piece design that is very sleek and elegant. It comes in a smaller design that can be easily installed in a lot of bathrooms of varying sizes.

    This toilet is great for the more environmentally concerned users, with a water-saving option that only uses 1.0 GPF per flush.

    Thankfully, it does the job in one fast and powerful flush, so you’ll be able to keep the noise to an absolute minimum using its unique Tornado Flush technology to create a centrifugal rinse.

    This two-piece toilet also has a SoftClose seat, meaning that it is super-stealthy from lifting the seat before use to lowering the seat after use.

    This toilet is precision-engineered to create a quicker, more efficient bathroom break.

    • The basin itself has a higher profile, which will make it ideal to use for even the largest body shapes and weights.
    • This toilet is the strong and silent type - with a powerful centrifugal flushing system that can be switched for optimum water saving.
    • The SoftClose seat inclusion will reduce the risk of chipping from a dropped toilet seat. It will also allow you to close itself, so you won’t have to worry about waking up your housemates or family members once you've finished your midnight movement.
    • Some users might not be too comfortable on a seat that is so elevated off the floor.
  • 5. Toto Eco Ultramax One-Piece Toilet

    TOTO MS854114EL#01 Eco...

    For our last product, Toto has managed to secure yet another place on our list. They have proved time and again that their products are of the best quality, and this one is no different.

    This toilet is a one-piece model with an elongated bowl, giving it a more comfortable feel and a smoother, sleeker look.

    The Toto Eco Ultramax also only uses 1.28 GPF and is WaterSense certified, which means you can save money on your water bill while also helping the environment when you use this toilet.

    If you’re concerned that the lower GPF will prevent waste from being expelled in one flush, don’t you worry. This unit is installed with the E-Max flushing system, which uses powerful siphon jets and a SanaGloss glazed trapway to quickly and quietly dispose of waste in one flush.

    This model also comes with a SoftClose seat, so you don’t have to worry about the echo of a loud toilet seat slam after taking care of your business in the middle of the night.

    • The basin itself has a higher profile, which will make it ideal to use for even the largest body shapes and weights.
    • This toilet is the strong and silent type - with a powerful centrifugal flushing system that can be switched for optimum water saving.
    • The SoftClose seat inclusion will reduce the risk of chipping from a dropped toilet seat. It will also allow you to close itself, so you won’t have to worry about waking up your housemates or family members once you've finished your midnight movement.
    • Some users might not be too comfortable on a seat that is so elevated off the floor.
      • Users of this toilet have also reported clogging due to the compact design.

    Best Quiet Flush Toilets Buying Guide 

    Having a noisy toilet can genuinely create a lot of tension within a household, particularly if you're a night riser when it comes to using the bathroom.

    If you suffer from the call of nature during the small hours, it can either be the choice between creating an annoying sound or leaving a bad smell - both of which will create friction within a household.

    However, we understand that buying a new toilet is not always possible, particularly for people on a budget.

    So, here are a few handy ways that you can keep your toilet as quiet as possible so as not to disturb your partner, your housemates, or your children.

    Make Sure All the Components of Your Toilet Are Screwed Tight

    During the daytime, it might be worth taking a screwdriver or a socket wrench and making sure every nut and bolt on your toilet system is screwed tight as a drum.

    A wobbly seat or a clamp can make a jarring sound when moved, which is then made even louder as it echoes off the bathroom tiles.

    Remember, that’s what can make a toilet sound much louder - the fact that even the slightest noise will reverberate loudly off the four tiled walls of your bathroom.

    Change the Flow of Water

    If your toilet does have a noisy flush, then the chances are that the water might be coming through at a pressure that is too high.

    You can reach inside your toilet and adjust the water valve with a wrench so that it comes out a lot quieter. You can test each adjustment by flushing the toilet at intervals to see if you’ve made it any quieter.

    Block the Sounds in Other Areas of the Bathroom

    If you are having no luck making your toilet quieter through tinkering with its cistern, then try to muffle how much sound gets out of your bathroom.

    Take an old cushion or a draught excluder and place it under the bottom of the door to stop the sound from escaping into the rest of the house.

    You can also insulate your bathroom windows with plastic wrap or sellotape, although we understand this might not add to the aesthetic of the bathroom.

    You can also use adhesive foam to seal up some of the unwanted cracks in the window frame or the bathroom door.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why should you buy a quiet flush toilet?

    Flushing your toilet in the middle of the night might disrupt the concentration of your housemate who is studying for their finals or a partner who has trouble sleeping.

    Also, young children are notoriously difficult to get to sleep, so you might want to fix the problem at the source rather than change your bathroom habits.

    Holding in urine for long periods has been shown to damage the bladder, so you want to avoid doing that too.

    Also, most of the quiet flushing toilets listed above have other amazing functions such as water-saving and accessibility for the elderly and disabled.

    A lot of these toilets also have dual-flushing options that you can utilize if you want a quieter flush that also saves on water.

    Should you buy a soft-close toilet seat?

    A soft-close toilet seat might be a way of solving your bathroom noise issues without ripping out your whole toilet.

    You can also get a soft-closing toilet seat with a digital panel that allows you different flushing options, such as slow-flush, power-flush, or a combination of the two.

    Last update on 2024-08-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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